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Puzzle Fourteen - Quid Pro Grads - Solution Page
The Beauxbatons Quiddich Team was extremely fortunate to have four incredible Quidditch players all in the same year (Adèle, Bertrand, Michel, and Sébastien). Each one played a different position (Batteur, Poursuiveur, Gardien, and Attrapeur). When they graduated, they all tried out for national teams, and three of them made it. One player went to the French national team, another to the Belgian national team, and a third to the Andorran national team - but the fourth did not make a national team.
Can you match the player with his or her position, and which national team (if any) the player ended up joining?
Solution: Michel did make a national team, but it wasn't the Andorran one (clue 6). It wasn't the French one either, because Bertrand is on the French team (clue 5), so Michel has to be on the Belgian team. Since the Poursuiveur plays for Belgium (clue 1), this means that Michel has to have been the Poursuiveur for Beauxbatons. Adèle was the Batteur (clue 2), and we've just figured out that Michel was the Poursuiveur. Sébastien has never played as Gardien (clue 4), so he has to have been the Attrapeur, which means Bertrand was the Gardien. If Sébastien was the Attrapeur, the Attrapeur cannot have been Bretrand, which means that Sébastien is the one who did not make a national team (clue 3). Since Sébastien did not make a national team, Michel made the Belgian team, and Bertrand made the French team, the only option left for Adèle is the Andorran team. To sum up:
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