News and Site Updates from October, 2001:
Wednesday, 31 October 2001, 18:56 CST
Happy Halloween!
I've been trying to work on updating the site in between depositing loads of candy in the baskets of the various ghouls, goblins, and vampires who have stopped by to visit. I keep waiting for a Harry Potter costume - haven't seen one yet!
Thank you to all who submitted answers to Lockhart's Big Mess, the eleventh puzzle - and congratulations to Aphrael-Danae Donnell of Ravenclaw who was the first to submit the correct answer. Aphrael-Danae wins the gold medal in this week's Hall of Fame - click on the link to find the second through fifth students to solve the puzzle.
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that the competition was fierce - but that was nothing compared to this week. Aphrael-Danae managed to submit her answer merely seventeen seconds before the second place winner, Fake Moody of Ravenclaw!
Click on the link for the solution to Lockhart's Big Mess. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Aphrael-Danae Donnell, Fake Moody, Heather Kinney, Bronwyn Pendragon, Minerva Potter, Dea Aurumlupi, Kat Shields, Cody Winters, Mabel Diggory, Dara Ware, Pyrus Japonica, Kimaire Seloiro, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Rok Potter, Day Baye, Evylyn Desirée, Edgar Torné, Niche Eenhoorn, Emma Bott, Acinonyx Jubatus, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Guppie Ewing, Kelsey Brenan, Lucy Liu, Claire Silverthorne, Lynn Law, Rhiannon Llewellyn, Merlinda Gandore, Dzof d'Arcy, Irix Nuit, Arca Machiavelo, Eduya Shsao, Katie McAnders, Mina Storm, Ororo Granger, Rogue Granger, and Unique Fairfax.
The next puzzles will be posted tomorrow night - Thursday, November 1, 2001.
- GG
Wednesday, 24 October 2001, 20:07 EST
Since I'll be out of town tomorrow, tonight I'm posting this week's puzzle, along with the winners of last week's puzzle. This week features the return of Hogwarts' most famous and least competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart (Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award). Except, as usual, the git's not doing too well. Enjoy this week's puzzle, entitled Lockhart's Big Mess.
Or, if a printable version is more to your tastes, here is a black-and-white printable version of the puzzle.
Thank you to all who submitted answers to Scouting for Britain, the tenth puzzle - and congratulations to Lynn Law of Slytherin who was the first to submit the correct answer, and becomes the first Slytherin student to win the gold medal. Check out the Hall of Fame to see this week's other four winners.
Click on the link for the solution to Scouting for Britain. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Lynn Law, Fake Moody, Ron Thompson, Minerva Potter, Mabel Diggory, Kimaire Seloiro, Pyrus Japonica, Shadow Diggory, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Niche Eenhoorn, Guppie Ewing, Dara Ware, Acinonyx Jubatus, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Whitney Gurner, Lucy Liu, Haining Gouinlock, Irix Nuit, Claire Silverthorne, Katie McAnders, and Julie Spinnet.
The answers to this week's puzzle will be posted next Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - just in time for Halloween!
- GG
Thursday, 18 October 2001, 20:28 EST
It's a tough job, to scout all of the best of the British Quidditch teams to find the best Seeker - but someone's gotta do it. That's the job of Vincent Brantock of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. He finds, however, that finding the best Seeker (to join the All-Britain Quidditch Exhibition Team) is tougher than he thought. Find out why in this week's puzzle, Scouting for Britain.
Or, if you prefer, here is the black-and-white printable version of the puzzle.
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzles, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, October 24, 2001. (Note, next week's puzzle may also be posted on Wednesday, as I may be going out of town on Thursday).
- GG
Wednesday, 17 October 2001, 21:07 EST
Thank you to all who submitted answers to Mugwump Meetings, the ninth puzzle - and congratulations to Dara Ware of Ravenclaw who was the first to submit the correct answer. Dara wins the gold medal in this week's Hall of Fame - click on the link to find the second through fifth students to solve the puzzle.
Competition is getting fierce, by the way - the first five submissions were all within 20 minutes of each other, and the first two separated by merely two minutes. And it's equally impressive that people are submitting them only about fifteen minutes after I've posted the puzzle - there are some fast thinkers out there!
Click on the link for the solution to Mugwump Meetings. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Dara Ware, Fake Moody, Minerva Potter, Daisy Treefrog, Guppie Ewing, Bronwyn Pendragon, Katie Winthrop, Zara Black, Rhiannon Llewellyn, Ody Zeus, Lynn Law, Jamie Lyn Jordan, Arca Machiavelo, Mabel Diggori, Kimaire Seloiro, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Heather Kinney, Emma Bott, Evylyn Desirée, Irix Nuit, Niche Eenhoorn, Acinonyx Jubatus, Professor Crystal Blue, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Claire Silverthorne, Mina Storm, Jenn Block, Arphrael-Danae Donnell, Ororo Granger, Rogue Granger, Ron Thompson, Scorpius DiMandrago, and Pyrus Japonica.
The next puzzles will be posted tomorrow night - Thursday, October 18, 2001.
- GG
Thursday, 11 October 2001, 20:28 EST
Among Albus Dumbledore's many honors is the title of "Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards." There are, in fact, other prominent wizards who have also reached the level of Supreme Mugwump. Even more so than Dumbledore, they can be a bit ... eccentric. But they still get together every year for a meeting. Find out more about their eccentricities and their upcoming meetings in this week's puzzle, Mugwump Meetings.
Or, if a printable version is more to your tastes, here is a black-and-white printable version of the puzzle. Professor Argumentus definitely owes me one. :)
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzles, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, October 17, 2001.
- GG
Wednesday, 10 October 2001, 19:04 EST
Thank you to all who submitted answers to The Guardians, the eighth puzzle - and congratulations to Guppie Ewing of Ravenclaw who was the first to submit the correct answer. Guppie wins the gold medal in this week's Hall of Fame - click on the link to find the second through fifth students to solve the puzzle.
Click on the link for the solution to The Guardians. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Guppie Ewing, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Minerva Potter, Heather Kinney, Fake Moody, Dea Aurumlupi, Ody Zeus, Pyrus Japonica, Dara Ware, Zara Black, Shadow Diggory, Niche Eenhoorn, Azure Chapeau, Daisy Treefrog, Mabel Diggory, Claire Silverthorne, Lynn Law, Acinonyx Jubatus, Irix Nuit, Tanya Kirk, Day Baye, Arca Machiavelo, Kara Grainger, Kelsey Brennan, Mina Storm, Kimaire Seloiro, Julie Spinnet, Rogue Granger, and Ororo Granger.
The next puzzles will be posted tomorrow night - Thursday, October 11, 2001.
- GG
Thursday, 4 October 2001, 19:17 EST
If you ever have the misfortune to be attacked by a Lethifold, you'll want to hope that there's a Guardian nearby - a member of the Ministry's crack team of wizards capable of handling the most dangerous magical creatures. Some Hogwarts students got to learn a bit about the Guardians in a chance encounter at Hogsmeade - and so will you in this week's puzzle, The Guardians.
This puzzle looks hard - lots of boxes and choices - but is actually easier than it looks. Since this one has lots of checkboxes again, it might mess with some people's browsers - so here's a link to a black-and-white printable version of the puzzle. Actually, Professor Argumentus says he likes using the printable versions, and I'd not presume to debate him on that point, so I might just be making printable versions available from here on out. :)
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzles, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, October 10, 2001.
- GG
Wednesday, 3 October 2001, 20:59 EST
Thank you to all who submitted answers to The Potions Master, our seventh puzzle - and congratulations to Rhiannon Llewellyn of Ravenclaw who was the first to submit the correct answer. Rhiannon wins the gold medal in this week's Hall of Fame - click on the link to find the second through fifth students to solve the puzzle. (Thanks also go to all the Slytherin students who submitted answers this time - and in paticular to Wolf Black, who missed the Hall of Fame by a matter of minutes).
Click on the link for the solution to The Potions Master. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Rhiannon Llewellyn, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Pyrus Japonica, Edgar Torné, Mabel Diggory, Dara Ware, Wolf Black, Kara Grainger, Day Baye, Minerva Potter, Irix Nuit, Guppie Ewing, Fake Moody, Heather Kinney, Julie Spinnet, Katie Winthrop, Azure Chapeau, Lynn Law, Whitney Potter, and Ody Zeus.
More people than usual had difficulty with this puzzle - many submitted answers that were nearly correct, but who reversed where the front of the room was (important for the clue in which one student is staring at the other's back), or who interpreted side-by-side to mean next to each other in any direction, not just to the left or to the right.
The next puzzles will be posted tomorrow night - Thursday, October 4, 2001.
- GG
Puzzles and page copyright 2001 by Godrics Ghost (R '08). All Harry Potter trademarks remain the property of their rightful owner.