News and Site Updates from August and September, 2001:
Thursday, 27 September 2001, 23:49 EST
Well, I promise that I proofread everything this time. If I'm not careful, I could get a detention - which is exactly what happened to four Gryffindor students in this week's puzzle, The Potions Master.
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzles, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, October 3, 2001.
- GG
Thursday, 27 September 2001, 18:07 EST
Sorry, folks - I made an error in the Never Fear! puzzle - in between the notebook where I write these things and typing it in, I changed a phrase in the first clue from "the boy who got a 95 on the exam" to "the student who got a 95 on the exam."
Mea culpa. That change makes it possible for there to be three correct answers to the puzzle, so anyone who submitted any one of the three was counted as correct. I'll proofread more carefully in the future.
That being said, congratulations to this past week's winners - Heather Kinney of Gryffindor was the first to correctly solve Silly Snerdly, and Shadow Diggory of Hufflepuff was the first to correctly solve Never Fear!. They win the gold medals in this week's Hall of Fame - click on the Hall of Fame to find out all of this week's winners.
Click on the link for the solution to Silly Snerdly. This puzzle was correctly solved by:
Heather Kinney, Shadow Diggory, Sandry Toren, Evylyn Desirée, Daisy Treefrog, Tanya Kirk, Mabel Diggory, Azure Chapeau, Aphrael-Danae Donnell, Unique Fairfax, Leah Belle, Dara Ware, Gemma Pflugerville, Rogue Granger, Ororo Granger, Professor Artimus Zeln, Claire Silverthorne, Lyndra Vader, Eduya Shsao, Guppie Ewing, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Kimaire Seloiro, Whitney Potter, Ron Thompson, Kelsey Brenan, Merlayne Redyng, Mina Storm, Arca Machiavelo, Edgar Torné, Minerva Potter, and Aaron Draton.
Click on the link for the solution to (the corrected version of) Never Fear!. This puzzle was correctly solved by:
Shadow Diggory, Heather Kinney, Azure Chapeau, Rogue Granger, Ororo Granger, Fake Moody, Claire Silverthorne, Aphrael-Danae Donnell, Kelsey Brenan, Dara Ware, Mina Storm, and Gwen Dibley.
I'll be updating in a few hours with the next puzzle - and I promise to proofread it this time!
- GG
Wednesday, 19 September 2001, 21:19 EST
The Ravenclaw Tests of Logic Site is up and running again, with two puzzles to make up for lost time. One of the puzzles is fairly easy, and the second is enough to make you tear your hair out. So check out the adventures of Snerdly the Poltergeist and commiserate with Hufflepuff seventh years taking Professor Neverwhere's final exam. Enjoy!
Easy Puzzle: Silly Snerdly
Hard Puzzle: Never Fear!
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzles, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, September 26, 2001.
Note: the second puzzle, Never Fear!, seems to be crashing some people's browsers because of the vast number of option boxes. If this is the case for you, I've put up an alternate version of the puzzle here. This version doesn't have all of the option boxes. It's unlovely and black-and-white, but it's printer-friendly and the submit form at the bottom works the same as always. Thanks!
- GG
Wednesday, 12 September 2001, 20:12 EST
Thank you to all who submitted answers to Quidditch Supplies, the fourth puzzle - and congratulations to Ody Zeus of Hufflepuff who was the first to submit the correct answer. Ody wins the gold medal in this week's Hall of Fame - click on the link to find the second through fifth students to solve the puzzle.
Click on the link for the solution to Quidditch Supplies. This puzzle was correctly solved by:
Ody Zeus, Fake Moody, Kelsey Brenen, Darlene Baker, Ivy Lowry, Sandry Toren, Rhiannon Llewellyn, Dudley Smith, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Tanya Kirk, Mabel Diggory, Rok Potter, Kimaire Selorio, Mina Storm, Rogue Granger, Ororo Granger, Azure Chapeau, Kate Matthews, Arca Machiavelo, Tyler Benox, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Julie Spinnet, and Maaya Chang.
Professor Emerald Dybendahl, headmaster of HOL, has requested that all games and competitions be suspended for one week in observance of the tragedies in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. Like so many others at HOL have done, I'd like to express my condolences to those at HOL whose lives have been affected.
The next puzzles will be posted on Thursday, September 20, 2001.
- GG
Thursday, 6 September 2001, 19:00 EST
The first regular "Puzzle of the Week" for the new term is Quidditch Supplies. Can you figure out just how many Galleons Demetrius spent during his visit to Quality Quidditch Supplies?
As always, the first five people to solve the puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzle, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, September 12, 2001.
- GG
Wednesday, 5 September 2001, 17:08 EST
Thank you to all who submitted answers to the first three puzzles - I was delighted to have literally hundreds of answer submissions in my inbox over the course of the week.
Congratulations to Rhiannon Llewellyn or Ravenclaw, who was the first to solve both the Quidditch Match and Tuesday Classes puzzles, and to Silver Steel of Ravenclaw, who was the first to solve the Detention puzzle.
The Hall of Fame has a lot of Ravenclaws, for the simple reason that the link to this site got posted in the Ravenclaw forums before it got posted elsewhere . But congratulations to Keith Potter of Gryffindor, Sasha Shoe of Slytherin, and Oriel Ensis of Hufflepuff for making the Hall of Fame and representing their houses. Once the link got posted in the general forum, many students of all houses - as well as some professors - started submitting answers to the puzzles. So I doubt the Hall of Fame for the next puzzle will be as lopsided.
And speaking of answers, here they are:
Click on the link for the solution to Quidditch Match, the first puzzle. This puzzle was correctly solved by:
Rhiannon Llewellyn, Edna Potter, Chloe Jade, Andrew DaSilva, Keith Potter, Edgar Torné, Katie McAnders, Faith Chrestomanci, Maryann Delacour, Ron Thompson, Lara Croft, Daisy Treefrog, Stephanie Roof, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Oriel Ensis, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Fatmeh Saad, Hinata Asahi, Eliza Black, Darlene Baker, Mabel Diggory, Debi Peterson, Oleander Hedge, Kara Grainger, Ody Zeus, Rok Potter, Lily Rose, Barb Vee, Rio Lupin, Lauren Cameron, Tanya Kirk, April May, Shadow Diggory, Sam Potter, Ivy Lowry, Nell Delune, Katie Langly, Heather Kinney, Liz Warren, Lorna Weasley, Dudley Smith, Emma Bott, Professor Romulus Xanthos, Lydia Wheaton, Hermione Bright, Fiona Keith, Lyndra Vader, Cho Adamson, Unique Fairfax, Kelsay Brenen, Julie Lupin, Ororo Granger, Rogue Granger, Arca Machiavelo, Evylyn Desirée, Amie Granger, and Julie Spinnet.
Click on the link for the solution to Tuesday Classes, the second puzzle. This puzzle was correctly solved by:
Rhiannon Llewellyn, Andrew DaSilva, Katie McAnders, Sasha Shoe, Oriel Ensis, Professor Asclepius Argumentus, Terra Elder, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Professor Artimus Zeln, Darlene Baker, Andromeda Black, Mabel Diggory, Ody Zeus, Lily Rose, Daisy Treefrog, Rio Lupin, Tanya Kirk, Chid Weasley, April May, Shadow Diggory, Ivy Lowry, Nell Delune, Oleander Hedge, Heather Kinney, Lorna Weasley, Edgar Torné, Dudley Smith, Emma Bott, Claire Silverthorne, Annie Black, Cho Adamson, Unique Fairfax, Rogue Granger, Ororo Granger, Kelsey Brenen, and Arca Machiavelo.
Click on the link for the solution to Detention, the third puzzle. This puzzle was correctly solved by:
Silver Steel, Andrew DaSilva, Sandry Toren, Katie McAnders, Sasha Shoe, Lara Croft, Darlene Baker, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Hinata Asashi, Andromeda Black, Lucy Liu, Ody Zeus, Mabel Diggory, Lily Rose, Daisy Treefrog, Tanya Kirk, Rio Lupin, Oleander Hedge, Shadow Diggory, Eduya Shsao, Viridis Lowry, Nell Delune, Unique Fairfax, Heather Kinney, Lorna Weasley, Claire Silverthorne, Edgar Torné, Hermione Bright, Cho Adamson, Ororo Granger, and Kelsey Brenen.
Thanks for all the puzzle submissions! The next puzzle will be posted tomorrow evening, and around 7:00 EST.
- GG
Thursday, 30 August 2001, 18:19 EST
The Ravenclaw Tests of Logic site is now open! I invite HOL students of all houses to jump in and try their minds at solving the first batch of puzzles.
Throughout the term, every Thursday evening, I'll be posting a Harry Potter-themed logic puzzle for my fellow students to solve. The first five HOL students to solve each puzzle correctly will have their names posted in the Logic Hall of Fame here on the site.
Some of the puzzles this year will be easy, and some of them will be quite difficult. I don't think any of them are puzzles that can be solved instantly - it'll take a bit of work, a lot of logic, and perhaps a pencil and paper. I've posted the solution to Professor Snape's puzzle from the first Harry Potter book not just because it's part of the book but also because it points out the kind of thinking that goes into solving puzzles of this type. So take a look!
To kick off the site, I'm posting three practice puzzles so students can get their feet wet. One is easy, one is medium, and one is hard. I'll post the names of the first five to solve them on this site. Starting next Thursday, I'll be posting the puzzle of the week. So here goes:
Easy Puzzle: Quidditch Match!
Medium Puzzle: Tuesday Classes
Hard Puzzle: Detention
Good luck! Complete step-by-step answers will be posted next week.
- GG
Puzzles and page copyright 2001 by Godrics Ghost (R '08). All Harry Potter trademarks remain the property of their rightful owner.