"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind..."
Welcome to the Ravenclaw "Tests of Logic" Page! Here you can test your wits against logic puzzles - all designed for the wizarding world! We Ravenclaws know the value of understanding logic. But an understanding of logic can aid a wizard regardless of house - logic can help the brave, the hard-working, and the ambitious every bit as much as the learned.
In fact, one of the most famous logic puzzles in recent wizarding history was that devised by Professor Severus Snape to guard the Philosopher's Stone. This puzzle was created by a Slytherin and solved by a Gryffindor. (For more information on this famous puzzle, click here).
Clearly, logic has a use in every house. So we would like to invite all wizards, young and old, to take a look at our logic puzzles and try their hands - and their minds.
News and Site Updates:
Sunday, 23 December 2001, 14:18 CST
At last! They're here - a little later than they should have been, but still in time for Christmas. In honor of the holiday, we have not one but three puzzles celebrating the Christmas season in true Hogwarts style. You'll find plentiful Christmas presents, Christmas trees, and Christmas goodies in this week's puzzles - and hopefully you'll be able to sort it all out. There is an easy puzzle, a medium one, and a hard one - choose your level, or try all three!
Easy Puzzle: Christmas Presents
Medium Puzzle: Christmas Pie
Hard Puzzle: Christmas Tree
Or, if you prefer, here are the black-and-white printable versions of the three puzzles:
Easy Puzzle: Christmas Presents printable version
Medium Puzzle: Christmas Pie printable version
Hard Puzzle: Christmas Tree printable version
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. These puzzles will have to hold you for a bit - I'm taking a few weeks off for the holidays. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzle, and the solution, will be posted on Wednesday, January 9, 2002.
Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas, if you celebrate the holiday. And have a wonderful and peaceful New Year. See you in a couple of weeks.
- GG
Thursday, 20 December 2001, 20:05 EST
Sorry, folks - had a minor crisis in Muggle life today. Nothing serious, but it means the three Christmas puzzles aren't ready to go. I apologize to those of you who have been hitting your refresh button this evening.
I'm going to be travelling across the country tomorrow, so look for the puzzles this coming weekend - Saturday or Sunday evening, depending on how things go. Sorry again.
- GG
Wednesday, 18 December 2001, 18:40 EST
Team Hufflepuff is back, returning to their winning ways by earning four out of the five top spots - which they've now done for four out of the last five puzzles. It's fitting that a puzzle about Hufflepuff students facing their mid-year exams should be won by a Hufflepuff, and that's exactly what happened: this week's gold medal goes to Bronwyn Pendragon of Hufflepuff, who was the first to submit a correct answer for Puzzle Nineteen, Exam Time. The silver and bronze medals of the week were won by Kimaire Seloiro of Ravenclaw and Emma Bott of Hufflepuff. The rest of this week's winners, as always, can be found in the Hall of Fame.
Here is the correct solution to Exam Time. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Bronwyn Pendragon, Kimaire Seloiro, Emma Bott, Lucy Liu, Mabel Diggory, Ody Zeus, Acinonyx Jubatus, Oleander Hedge, Fake Moody, Pyrus Japonica, Heather Kinney, Bella Bizkit, Missa Matz, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Seven Ashitaka, Evylyn Desirée, Sherry Black, Jiensu Di'Aoi, Katie McAnders, Shadow Diggory, Ororo Granger, Rogue Granger, Hillary Weasley, Kat Shields, Wesley Weasley, and Dara Ware.
Better exercise your puzzling muscles - tomorrow night (Thursday, December 20) you'll have not one but three puzzles to contend with - including one that may well make your head spin.
- GG
Thursday, 13 December 2001, 19:22 EST
It's that time of the year again - nope, I'm not talking about the Christmas holidays this time, I'm talking about the end-of-term exams! Before they can have visions of sugarplums dance in their heads, four Hufflepuff sixth years have to make it through a truly awful week of tests. Find out just how bad it will be for them in Puzzle Nineteen, Exam Time.
Or, if you prefer, here is a black-and-white printable version of Exam Time.
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzle, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, December 19, 2001.
- GG
Wednesday, 12 December 2001, 20:36 EST
Hufflepuff's remarkable winning streak has come to an end, after three straight weeks of taking four out of the five top spots in the Hall of Fame. The Hufflepuffs still manage to have two spots - but this week's glory (and gold medal) go to Heather Kinney of Gryffindor, who was the first to submit a correct answer for Puzzle Eighteen, Hogsmeade Weekend. The silver and bronze medals of the week were won by Lucy Liu and Emma Bott of Hufflepuff. The rest of this week's winners, as always, can be found in the Hall of Fame.
Here is the correct solution to Hogsmeade Weekend. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Heather Kinney, Lucy Liu, Emma Bott, Flea Appollo Creed, Angelina Adamson, Darlene Baker, Leah Samson, Irix Nuit, Ody Zeus, Pyrus Japonica, Fake Moody, Kimaire Seloiro, Dara Ware, Bronwyn Pendragon, Oleander Hedge, Mabel Diggory, Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Dea Aurumlupi, Guppie Ewing, Peachy Kean, Shadow Diggory, Rhiannon Llewellyn, Katie McAnders, Acinonyx Jubatus, Nansai a'Midori, Hillary Weasley, Rogue Granger, Ororo Granger, Jiensu Di'Aoi, Daisy Treefrog, Seven Ashitaka, and Missa Matz.
Three people owled me this week to tell me "This puzzle is too easy!" Tomorrow's puzzle won't be quite so easy, and those of you who like a real challenge will be in for a treat the following week - so don't despair! I'm trying to make sure I have a good mix of puzzles from very easy to moderately hard. I haven't put a really hard one up yet - so stay tuned!
The next puzzle will be posted tomorrow night - Thursday, December 13, 2001.
- GG
Thursday, 6 December 2001, 18:24 EST
It's that time of the year again - a chill is in the air, snow is on the ground, and the Hogwarts students are heading to Hogsmeade. Honeydukes is particularly crowded this year, as they're offering some new delectable sweets for the students' enjoyment. Find out which students tried which magical sweets (and what the sweets did) in this week's puzzle, Hogsmeade Weekend.
Or, if you prefer, here is a black-and-white printable version of Hogsmeade Weekend.
As always, the first five people to solve a puzzle will appear in the Hall of Fame. The list of all who correctly solved the puzzle, and the solution, will be posted next Wednesday, December 12, 2001.
- GG
Wednesday, 5 December 2001, 18:18 EST
I'm beginning to think this site should be the "Hufflepuff Tests of Logic Site" as Hufflepuff continues its dominance, winning four out of the five top spots for the third puzzle in a row! The winner for this week's puzzle - Puzzle Sixteen - L.O.M.C. (Lair of Magical Creatures) - is Mercury "Mark" McKinnon of Hufflepuff. Mark takes home this week's gold medal. The silver and bronze medals of the week were won by Claire Silverthorne of Ravenclaw and Lucy Liu of Hufflepuff. The rest of this week's winners, as always, can be found in the Hall of Fame.
Here is the correct solution to L.O.M.C.. The puzzle was correctly solved by:
Mercury "Mark" McKinnon, Claire Silverthorne, Lucy Liu, Bronwyn Pendragon, Ody Zeus, Kimaire Seloiro, Dara Ware, Emma Bott, Fake Moody, Acinonyx Jubatus, Shadow Diggory, Stephanie Roof, Pyrus Japonica, Mabel Diggory, Heather Kinney, Aeryala Lea, Rhiannon Llewellyn, Scall Wintorn, Artemis Erised, Evylyn Desirée, Jiensu Di'Aoi, Irix Nuit, and Hillary Weasley.
Oh! Some of you were wanting an update as to what happened after the creatures were placed in the same pen. The end of the solution page has a somewhat unsatisfying update from Hagrid. Perhaps we'll never know.
The next puzzle will be posted tomorrow night - Thursday, December 6, 2001.
- GG
Puzzles and page copyright 2001 by Godrics Ghost (R '08). All Harry Potter trademarks remain the property of their rightful owner.